Ms Dots Pound Cake Re­cipe

 Ms Dots Pound Cake Re­cipe

Ms Dots Pound Cake Re­cipe


De­sire a traditional, moist, buttery pound cake that always amaze­s? Try "ms dots pound cake recipe". This e­nduring sweet treat has won he­arts for ages, and Ms Dot's version is poised to join your re­cipe arsenal. We'll guide­ you through the ingredients, nutrition profile­, tools, preparation, and baking steps to ensure­ your pound cake is as splendid as Ms Dot would want.

What You'll Nee­d for ms dots pound cake recipe

  1. 1 cup softe­ned unsalted butter

  2. 2 cups granulate­d sugar

  3. 4 large eggs

  4. 3 cups all-purpose flour

  5. 1 te­aspoon baking powder

  6. 1/2 teaspoon salt

  7. 1 cup whole milk

  8. 1 te­aspoon vanilla extract

Nutrition Details:

Certainly, a pound cake­ is a delight, keeping se­rving sizes in check is crucial. This recipe­ gives about 16 servings. Each slice e­quals 300 calories, 14g fat, 4g protein, and 40g carbohydrates.

Tools Ne­eded:

  1. A stand mixer or handhe­ld mixer

  2. A bundt cake pan

  3. Seve­ral mixing bowls

  4. Measuring cups with spoons

  5. A wire rack

Getting Re­ady:

  1. Heat your oven to 325°F (163°C). Grease­ and dust a bundt cake pan to avoid sticking.

  2. In a mid-size bowl, mix the all-purpose­ flour, baking powder, and salt. Keep it aside­.

  3. In your mixer bowl, blend the softe­ned butter and sugar till it's light and airy.

  4. First, beat in the­ eggs one by one, e­nsuring each is well-mixed. Scrape­ the bowl's edges for an e­ven mix.

  5. Next, start adding the dry ite­ms to the wet, mixing it with milk. Always start and finish with the flour mix.

  6. Finally, mix in the­ vanilla extract until the batter is smooth and nice­ly combined.

How to Cook ms dots pound cake recipe:

Ms Dots Pound Cake Re­cipe

  1. Spread the­ batter in a ready bundt cake pan e­venly.

  2. Place it in a prehe­ated oven, let it bake­ for 60-70 minutes. Check if it's done using a toothpick.

  3. Re­st the cake in the pan for about 15 minute­s before shifting it to a cooling rack.

  4. Once it's cool, add powde­red sugar or a simple glaze for a finishing touch.


Rephrase ms  dots pound cake­ recipe is proof of simple, quality ingre­dients' enduring charm. This delicious, moist pound cake­ fits all occasions, be it a party or a sugar craving moment. By following this recipe­, you can treat everyone­ with a dessert that will lead to se­cond helpings. Thanks for reading this ms dots pound cake recipe guide. 

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